Customer Segments

Industry Segments

We utilize our experience and data resources to innovate and provide solutions for the development and widespread adoption of electric vehicle charging services throughout the value chain.


We enhance this rapid transition by enabling key players to provide streamlined reliable and profitable service for businesses and consumers.


Tailored Solutions for Unique Demands.

Energy Sector

Explore the opportunity for value-added sales and services.

Charger Manufacturers

Elevate your offering from product to service sales.

Charge Point Operators (CPO)

Optimize the reliability and availability of your charging network.

Fleets & Logistics Hubs

Identify strategic opportunities and boost reliability.

CPMS Providers

Increase the ease of EV charging.


Solidify the lifetime value of customer relationships.

Retail & Hospitality

Boost your customer loyalty and increase revenue.

Vehicle OEMs

Enhance your EV service to match your brand.

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